miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2009


Your circulatory (say: SIR-kyuh-luh-tohr-ee) system has three parts. The main part is your heart. Your blood is another part. Your blood vessels are the third part.

Your circulatory system works like a delivery truck. It takes blood to all parts of your body. Your body is made up of tiny cells. The blood carries things to your cells that they need. Then your blood picks up the waste products from the cells. These are the things that your cells don't need.

It is about the same size and shape as your fist. It is a muscle. The heart's job is to pump your blood. The blood's job is to move the things your body needs. The blood goes to each little cell that makes up your body.

You have Vessels throughout your body. They move your blood around. Veins, Arteries, and Capillaries are three type of vessels found in your body.

The process of the circulatory system begans in the Cava Vein when the blood gets into the heart with CO2. Then it goes to the right atrium, it runs down to the right ventricle. Then, it flows in the pulmonary artery, it take it to the lungs and there the blood clean mix with oxygen. It leave the CO2 in the lungs. The pulmonary vein carries the blood again to the heart, it enters to the left atrium . It go down to the left ventricle and there the blood start to bump around all our body.

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